Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Discovery Health

I admit it. I am an expert television watcher. And, unfortunately, I am stuck on reality TV. The good news is that not all reality TV is filled with back-stabbing, soap opera-esque drama. Case in point is the Discovery Health Channel. I especially love Mystery Diagnosis. It is a show that takes you through the real life journey of a person with a disease/medical condition that for some reason is hard to diagnose. It is not only interesting but very informative. But back to Discovery Health…They also have a website that is overflowing with information http://health.discovery.com/

On the website you can find information about diseases & conditions, fitness & nutrition, healthy living, mental health, pregnancy & parenting, sex & relationships, and tools (i.e. health assessments, find a health care provider, resource library, etc…).

So if you are ever bored one day you should either flip on the Discovery Health Channel or click onto their website and see what you can learn.

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